Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST), or the Energy Commission, regulates the energy sector, specifically the electricity and piped gas supply industries, in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah.

- e-DIK Registration (new/renewal)
- Certificate of Approval Application (COA) (new/renewal)
- Release Letter Application (RL) (Company & Personal)
- e-CEE Account Registration
- SIRIM-ST Consignment Test Application
- SIRIM-ST Safety Label Collection
- SIRIM-ST MEPS Test Application
- SIRIM-ST Full Type Test Report Application
- SIRIM-ST Product Certification Scheme (PCS) Application (New/Renewal)
What is Certificate of Approval Application (COA)?
CoA is Certificate of Approval or permit issued by Energy Commission (ST) to manufacturer and importer for regulated electrical equipment which has been certified as complying with the specified standard, technical specification, technical checklist and/or technical declaration. CoA Validity 12 months and it is renewable on yearly basis subject to terms and conditions.
What is Release Letter Application (RL)?
Release Letter issued by Energy Commission (ST) for Customs Detention which may be granted for equipment which is to be used exclusively to company that limited to the certain purpose.
Type of Release Letter Application
There are two (2) types of Release Letter which are:
- Regulated Equipment for COA Exemption
- Non-Regulated Equipment
Category of Regulated Equipment for COA Exemption:
- Factory Research
- Specific Purpose
- Import Component for Local Market
- Re-work & Re-export
- Quality Research
- Transit
- Import Component for 100% Export
- Concert
e-CEE Account Registration
ECEE is a web-based system to manage the online applications for Consignment Test for Electrical & Electronic Products. All importers who want to purchase ST-SIRIM labels must register in ECEE system. Importer and Consultant are required to sign the Letter of Undertaking at SIRIM.
SIRIM-ST Consignment Test Application
Under the consignment test, approval is given only to consignments that have satisfactorily gone through the inspection and testing process. Upon approval, SIRIM Labels with a quantity to the consignment size will be issued to the applicant and these labels shall be affixed to each unit of products under the consignment.
SIRIM-ST MEPS Test Application
To meet the requirements of the Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) the performance criteria that is tested using the relevant testing standards must be met. Please refer to the standard below for the performance criteria that has been set:
- Air Conditioner
- Refrigerator
- Domestic Fan: MS 2574:2014
- Lamps: MS 2598:2014
- Television
- Washing Machine
- Microwave Oven
- Electric Rice Cooker
- Freezer
SIRIM-ST Full Type Test Report Application
The importance of testing on Electrical Safety standards is obvious: “users of electric and electronic devices have to be protected from harm while operating”. Most of safety standard for electrical products are developed with the assumption that, the user is considered to be not aware of the various risks associated with the use of electricity. The safety of electrical appliance / equipment and application of a safety standard are intended to reduce the risk of injury or damage due to the followings:
- Electric Shock
- Energy related hazards
- Fire/Heat related hazards
- Mechanical hazards
- Radiation / Chemical hazards
SIRIM-ST Product Certification Scheme (PCS) Application
Products are eligible to join this scheme if they adhere to national standards such as:
- Malaysian Standard (MS)
- British Standard (BS)
- Regional standards such as European Norm (EN)
- International Standards (ISO) or a well-known association specification/standard which is publicly available such as JKR Specification, AWWA, ASTM.
Certification Mark is granted under this scheme proves that product has undergone assessment and supervision. For specific products regulated by the Malaysian authorities, finished products require additional SIRIM Label with unique serial numbers. Certification is valid for 1 year from the date of approval. It is renewable on yearly basis subject to terms and conditions.
List of Regulated Electrical Equipment
- Plug Top / Plug
- Switch and Dimmer
- Socket Outlet
- Fluorescent Lampholder / Starter Holder
- Ceiling Rose
- Bayonet Cap and Multiways Adapter
- Lamp Fitting
- Capacitor for Fluorescent Lamp
- Ballast / Control Gear / Driver for Lamp
- Circuit Breaker including AC Current Operated Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker and Miniature Circuit Breaker
- Portable Luminaire Lamp
- Kettle including Heating Elements if Supplied Separately
- Kitchen Machine
- Toaster / Oven (Cooking Appliance)
- Rice Cooker
- Refrigerator
- Immersion Water Heater
- Water Heater including Heating Elements if Supplied Separately
- Washing Machine
- Fan Hand Operated Hair Dryer / Haircare / Skin Care
- Iron
- Shaver
- Vaporizer
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Hi-Fidelity Set
- Video and Visual Display Unit
- Audio and Video Player Unit
- Massager
- Air Condittioner (Cooling Capacity of 32,000 Btu/hr & below)
- Christmas Light
- Domestic Power Tools (Portable Type)
- Adapter / Charger
- Wire / Cable / Cord (non-armoured) 0.5mm² to 35mm²
Hi, i would like to find out if you will be able to assist with registering my company for Suruhanjaya Tenaga.
Let me know what are the details you require. thanks.
Thank you for your enquiry. Please email us the following details to Our PIC will assist you accordingly.
1. Product specification
2. Product manual
2. Test report
3. Company address for quotation purpose.
Cost and lead time will be advised after you furnish the above.
Thank you
Want to apply Release Letter from Suruhanjaya Tenaga.
Dear Shamsul Nizam,
Thank you for your enquiry and interested in our services.
Please send your enquiry to our email, and provide the product catalogue as well as safety test report for further evaluation. Our consultant will assist your enquiry accordingly.
Thank you.