- Based on our database from January to August 2019 seized case location has been recorded from :
- Total goods seized from January to August 2019 is 2.6 billion Ringgit Malaysia.
- The case according to month from January to August 2019 is increased.
- The Highest seized item amount is from agricultural products and pig products.
Physical inspection is performed by MAQIS enforcement officers at the gateway, quarantine station or quarantine premises to ensure consignments imported comply to the requirements of the law as follows:
🛑 Imports do not transport pests, diseases or contaminants
🛑 Free from pests, diseases or contaminants;
🛑 Is not affected by any pest, diseases or contaminants;
🛑 Graded, packaged and labeled;
🛑 Type and quantity is similar to what has been declared;
🛑 Undergone treatment or quarantine;
🛑 Labelled with a halal logo; and
🛑 Any and all conditions stipulated from time to time.
Physical inspections will be performed randomly or in totality (100%). Any consignments that do not comply with the stipulated regulations and conditions will be stopped and seized for follow-up action.
Are you doing business to make losses? Or are you not sure how to do this? Allow us few minutes to explain our business which could save your thousands from paying fines.
Contact us to book for consultation.
Source :Â http://bit.ly/goods-seized-record